Medicare Bill is institutionalized euthanasia
A highly placed aide in the office of former Bush administration federal Medicare adminstrator Thomas A. Scully, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the recently passed amenment to the Medicare legislation as institutionalized euthanasia. “Most critics have focused on the giveaways to big pharm, HMOs, and insurance companies,” this aide explained, “but there is a much, much darker aspect to the legislation.” The legislation has the effect of reducing services to seniors, the aide said, and this means that untreated, unprotected seniors will die earlier than they otherwise would if they received the care their Medicare contributions were supposed to pay for.
“The Medicare amendment has the same intent as the government’s covert position on cigarettes,” the aide continued. “The government knows that by adopting a weak stance on cigarettes, people will smoke, get cancer, and die. There are no costly interventions to cure cancer that would cost the government money. Cigarette induced cancer usually appears just about retirement age. The government is perfectly happy to let people die of cancer at retirement, because it saves money in Social Security payments. After all, government and the employer have gotten the benefit of the employee’s labor, and now that he can’t labor any more, they’d like to get rid of him as quickly and cheaply as possible.”
The aide continues, “The adminstration is well aware of the euthanasia effect. Insiders call it ‘permanent retirement.’ When our office wrote the guarantee of ‘maximum flexibility’ into the law that allows HMOs to cherry pick clients, we knew that the sicker and weaker citizens would be denied services. We also knew that government would not have the resources to care for them, and we knew that these same people would be less likely to have the funds to pay 100% of costs between $2,250 and $5,850 that the law requires. Therefore, these people will die, because they’re not going to get good medical care, and the government can use the Social Security money it saves for other purposes.”
“Citizens need to understand that there is enormous competition for dollars among the military, corporations that contract to the government, big pharm, the insurance companies, and the HMOs. All any of these players cares about is the bottom line and cash flow. The Halliburtons, Bechtels, and Generaly Dynamics would yank the plug on their own mother if they knew it would benefit them. The early deaths due to denied medical care of a few hundred thousand elderly citizens each year means nothing to the corporations. What amazes me is that nobody’s wised up to what’s happening.”
Lieberman the Agent Provocateur
A highly placed political advisor to Senator Joe Lieberman's campaign for the Democractic nomination, speaking on condition of anonymity, has revealed that the Senator is acting as a spoiler for Dean's nomination. "Joe Lieberman has no hope of being nominated. He knows that. However, his purpose in continuing to run is to try and wreck the Dean campaign." Several political commentators have noted that Lieberman's comments seem destined to destroy not only Dean but also any chance the Democrats might have of unseating Bush. What this political insider adds is a compelling reason for Lieberman's constant attacks.
Again, speaking on condition of anonymity, this insider states, "Lieberman is the hidden point man for the pro-Israel lobby. In this regard he is allied with Wolfowitz, Perle, Cheney, and the other hawks inside the administration who are aligning the U.S. with Israel as the anchor for U.S. interests in the Middle East. The pro-Israel lobby is frightened of a Dean presidency, because they perceive he would withdraw American support and force a settlement of the Palestinian question that would actually be fair to the Palestinians. Sharon is duplicitous, and no one should be surprised that his supporters in the pro-Israel lobby would be just as duplicitous as he is. Sharon says he's committed to peace, all the while killing Palestinians and erecting a barrier to wall them into easily controlled enclaves. By the same token, Lieberman says he's a Democrat, but all the while he's working diligently to destroy Dean, to destroy any threat to the control of America exercised by the pro-Israel lobby, and to destroy any hopes of a Democratic takeover in November."