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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

OJ: How I Would Have Assassinated JFK If I Had Done It

In a startlingdevelopment, am insider at the publishers of OJ Simpson's hypothetical tell-allabout how he murdered his wife and her friend has disclosed ON CONDITIONOF ANONYMITY that Simpson has produced a second book describing how he couldhave assassinated U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963.

According to the hypothetical account, Simpson, who was 16 years oldat the time of Kennedy's assassination, had been converted into a sort ofJohn Malvo-like young black man taking orders from a shadowy figure who mayhave been from the CIA or just as likely from the Nation of Islam. Accordingto the publishing house insider, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, Simpsonwas taken to the grassy knoll where he lay in the grass and aimed the fatalshots that killed the president. Simpson was told that he'd get JacquelineKennedy in compensation for his crime, and he writes that he was devastatedwhen the former first lady married Aristotle Onassis instead.

According to quotes purported to have been taken from the forthcoming bookand which have been made available ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, OJ ponderswhether his deep sense of betrayal by Jacqueline Kennedy may have formedthe basis for his hatred of all "White Bitches", as he writes, that culminatedin his hypothetical murder of Nicole Simpson.

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 4:44 PM (0) comments


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