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Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain has PTSD

Republicans appear poised to offer America a candidate who has Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

This poses a huge danger, because McCain could then re-enact the trauma of his plane crash, capture, and torture by means of the nuclear weapons America has available.

McCain appears to meet all criteria for PTSD as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, the bible of psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Criterion A: McCain experienced events that threatened him with death, and he responded with intense fear and helplessness.

Criterion B: McCain appears to have recurrent, distressing recollections and dreams of his plane crash and torture that appear to motivate his warlike actions and his backing for the military. He also appears to act as if the traumatic events are recurring. He is exposed to external cues that resemble the event (the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan), which provokes intense psychological distress in him.

Criterion C: McCain seems to be detached from people, and he has a restricted range of emotion (anger and rage are his only emotions), and he seems unable to experience love.

Criterion D: McCain appears hypervigilant and to have an exaggerated startle response in that he's utterly focused on what he perceives as danger to the exclusion of all other possibilities.

Criterion E: This disturbance has persisted for over 30 years.

Criterion F: This disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social and occupational functioning.

The biggest danger to America is McCain's significant impairment in occupational functioning as evidenced by his comment "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran."

The Republicans appear to be the party of mental illness. President Bush clearly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Now the party is poised to offer another seriously mentally ill candidate. The choice the nation faces is not between a Republican and a Democrat, but rather between a sane person (both Hillary and Barack appear mentally healthy) and a crazy man.

McCain needs to be swift-boated about his mental illness. The nation needs to know that McCain is mentally incompetent to be president because he suffers from untreated PTSD

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 7:29 AM (0) comments


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