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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Petraeus and Military Rule
The levels of deception deepen and deepen. Many observers, pundits, and bloggers have speculated on the subterranean levels of intrigue festering beneath the sudden resignation of CIA Director and former head of America's wars in Iraq and most recently in Afghanistan. All have noticed that the story doesn't make sense if one only focuses on the superficialities. Why should Petraeus be forced to resign over an affair? Washington's power elite engages in endless affairs. An affair appears to be one of the perks of power. Trial balloons filled with the helium of misdirection float up from this event as if it were a Nebraska Cornhusker football game.
Did Director Petraeus give classified information on the Benghazi debacle to Ms. Broadwell? Did Broadwell divulge that classified information at a public speech? Did the cuckolded husband of Ms. Broadwell snitch her and Petraeus out? Did Jill Kelley, the Tampa Bay socialite who ran a social network for U.S. Central Command and hosted parties for Petraeus, "drop a dime" on Broadwell because Broadwell had threatened her? What could Broadwell have threatened Kelley about? Now it turns out that General John Allen, the top commander of operations in Afghanistan who succeeded Petraeus in that position, had sent thousands of "flirtatious" emails to Kelley.
A highly placed government official familiar with the entire event, speaking On Condition Of Anonymity, has disclosed the true depth of Machiavellian plotting beneath the Petraeus fiasco. "You have to understand first of all that public disclosure of and affair is the hemlock of American politics. Practically every American official, from congress to all the government departments, to the military, is having an affair. The FBI and NSA track them all. If every affair were disclosed, the government would collapse. So disclosing a sexual affair is a poison pill that must be used judiciously. The American people don't really care, but the American Myth, the collective falsehood we all must believe in order to keep the country running and to hide the true reality beneath the Myth, requires that when an affair is disclosed, the cheater must give up his position of power. Thus, the disclosure of an affair is a means of 'assassinating' a political enemy."
Continuing to speak On Condition Of Anonymity, the official revealed the true and frightening plot Petraeus and Allen had been concocting. "Petraeus and Allen were deeply dissatisfied with the results of the recent election. They also realized that the fiscal cliff might cause a reduction in Defense Department funding. Their backers included the CEOs and major stockholders in all the companies comprising the industrial component of Big Military. Petraeus and Allen were in the initial stages of planning a military takeover of America. They felt that Obama and Hillary Clinton were insufficiently motivated to go to war with Iran. They wanted that war. The military industrialists want the war to be able to continue to divert America's wealth to the corporatists who run the nation. The military itself wanted the power. They felt that the time was right for a "putsch" because of the swath of red states running from the South up through Kentucky to the Canadian border and from the southern Atlantic coast over through Texas. They intended to act during 2014 as Hillary Clinton began her campaign for the presidency. They knew the Republican party was finished. They saw the nation being controlled by women, minorities, and the young. Power was slipping from their grasp. They intended to suspend the Constitution, to promise elections in 2020 'when the nation was stable enough to vote,' and to conduct massive arrests of progressives, occupiers, and any other leaders deemed capable of organizing resistance."
"Obama was aware of the plot," continued the official speaking On Condition Of Anonymity. "Through the NSA, he knew about every detail of the affair. Petraeus should have known that surveillance cameras recorded the sex, the meetings. All the emails were tracked, even though Petraeus used a terrorist's trick to try and hide them. Obama had no intention of disclosing the plot itself, because that might have really destabilized the country. Disclosing the plot would have disrupted the American Myth, because it would have shown the true, venal, murderous truth that the Myth conceals. Obama had to get rid of Petraeus and Allen. They had to be neutralized, and so the administration plotted a way to "out" Petraeus without revealing its own hand. All the speculation about the cuckolded husband and Broadwell threatening Kelley is smoke and mirrors. Broadwell and Kelley were part of the conspiracy. 'National security' will be used as an excuse to hide the content of the emails."
The official concluded, again speaking On Condition Of Anonymity, "Big Military has used the threat of terrorism since 2001 to justify diverting the nation's wealth to itself. The truth is that the biggest terrorist threat comes from within the country and from the industrialists, militarists, and Big Media that are a major component of the corporatocracy that runs the nation."
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