

Political and social facts, commentary, and interpretation transmitted without attribution. Shaman Omaha is not responsible for the content of this site.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Domestic Psychological Operations in America

The existence of the domestic psyops (psychological operations) division of the National Security Agency is perhaps the government’s most closely held secret. The group is known as “Dpsy,” which is pronounced “dee-sigh” by members of the group and the few members of the administration, NSA, and the Defense Department who are aware of its existence. Dpsy employs a handful of psychologists whose job has been to track the changing psychological composition of America’s population over the sixty years since the end of the Second World War. Dspy also plots domestic political and governmental strategy based upon these changes. In a series of white papers produced over the years, Dpsy has also proposed social and political interventions designed to promote the goals of the American ruling classes and the corporations and other bureaucracies through which these classes effect their programs. Almost every single Dpsy proposal has been enacted.
On of the Dpsy psychologists, speaking on condition of anonymity, has disclosed some of the operations of his group. “The most important consideration to understand about Dpsy is that we do not serve what the American people might perceive to be their interests. Citizens are notoriously self-centered and short-sighted. Dpsy serves the interests of the corporations and bureaucracies that operate the enterprise known as America. These entities can see the long term, can plan geopolitically on a global basis. In Dpsy we refer to the corporations and bureaucracies that control America and much of the world as The Complex. The Complex knows what is best for citizens. One of our tasks at Dpsy is to mold citizens without their knowing it so that they will be positioned to carry out the complex plans of The Complex.”
When asked to give an example, the psychologist cited the effect of forcing families to develop two incomes so that children of these families would be more psychologically disturbed and therefore easier to manipulate. “After the second world war, our group noticed the numbers of families where the woman had to go to work because the husband was in the service or had been killed. We did some small studies and discovered that children raised without a primary maternal caregiver were less secure and had impaired abilities to regulate their emotions. These qualities made these children more susceptible to social and political manipulation as they grew up.” According to this source, the Dpsy group produced a white paper suggesting that economic pressures be developed in the post war period to force women to take jobs outside the home. “It took us about thirty years to get this plan fully implemented, but we did it. We hadn’t foreseen the effect that two income families would have on divorce rates, but that was an added benefit, because children of divorce are even more adversely impacted and therefore even more subject to manipulation.”
Asked to describe the visible results of this plan, the psychologist readily pointed to the current political situation. “The two generations of men and women who have been most directly impacted by our Dpsy plan are the very people who support the present administration’s policies. These individuals have very little ability to regulate their emotions from higher centers in the brain, so they act on the basis of the ‘old brain’ or ‘reptilian brain.’ What this means is they are much more susceptible to fear conditioning. Dpsy has helped the current administration refine this technique. Furthermore, since father was absent from the family for many of these individuals -- in part because he was a product of the plan to promote two wage earner families himself -- these individuals constantly defer to a political figure that is perceived as a strong leader. These individuals also project their hatred of their own abandoning mother onto all women, so they can be counted on to vote against and vilify women like Hilary Clinton. We can also count on these women to express hatred against the female by attacking a woman’s right to choose, which furthers the goals of The Complex because it keeps the population growing and that increases economic and social tension and promotes fear, all of which makes it easier to control.”

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 7:19 PM (0) comments

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Private Corporate Armies operating within United States

A highly placed official in one of the private armies operated by a major U.S. corporation, speaking on condition of anonymity, has revealed that his company's military force has conducted operations within the United States as well as outside U.S. territory. "My troops have been conducting operations offshore for 15 years," the official stated. "We are highly successful at what we do. Our assault groups are small, well-trained, and well-equiped. The U.S. corporations that run these armies are the same corporations that supply the military. In most cases, we have better equipment than the military." The official stated that the private armies can pursue objectives that benefit their corporate owners without being hampered by government bureaucracies. "We are independent of the State Department and the Department of Defense. We answer only to our corporation's Board of Directors, and often to only a limited number of people on that Board." The official hinted at several operations that showed the footprint of private corporate military action. "Most of our stuff you don't hear about. It doesn't make the news. Say there's a group in Columbia planning action against our corporate owner's pipeline project. We enter the country. No one knows we're there. Not the country. Not the U.S. government. Only our corporate. We identify the target. Often we have better satellite tracking than the U.S. military, because our corporate owns the satellites or manufactured them. We neutralize the target. That may mean taking out a village if we suspect the village is harboring the guerillas. Who reports a massacre in some stinking Coumbian village? No one! The big companies that have private armies are energy companies like Halliburton and construction like Bechtel. We've operated clandestinely wherever these companies have assets or interests, which is pretty much globally. Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Columbia, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey."

Bringing his focus back to the U.S, the official stated, "People should not be surprised to learn that we've operated within the U.S. Say a legislator threatens our corporate objectives, and say that legislator cannot be bought, then we can easily arrange to have his plane malfunction and crash. This is just part of doing business. If our corporate owners can do it in Afghanistan -- take out some warlord who's blocking the company's pipeline -- why wouldn't they do it in the U.S.? We operate at many levels. There will never be a peaceful demonstration against NAFTA, say, or the WTO in America ever again. Why? Because it's in the interest of our corporate owners to have citizens believe demonstrators are terrorists, so some of our operatives are always in action, breaking store windows, throwing smoke bombs." The operative stated that in the future, private corporate forces will probably operate in the open and may well control the country. "In 10-20 years, Halliburton may be supplying assets to many U.S. cities. Under the Patriot Act, these assets will be freer to operate with impunity. The police will handle traffic and the run-of-the-mill crime. Halliburton's private forces will take care of resistance, malcontents, protestors. It's the future. Get used to it."

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 10:06 PM (0) comments

Monday, December 01, 2003

The Thanksgiving Iraq presidential PR-Junket that never was

A First Cavalry Division officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, has revealed that George Bush was at Fort Hood, Texas for Thanksgiving. "The whole thing was a PR scam," the officer reported. "The president never left American soil." Asked how this could have been accomplished, the psychological operations (psy-ops) officer explained that "it was easy." Continuing, the officer reported, "First, you have to understand that Bush doesn't like long hours in the air. He gets bored easily. It's a long, long flight to Baghdad and back. He complained about having to fly to England the week before. Second, you also have to understand that no one, not government, not the GOP, not his handlers, not the industries that back him, is going to risk the safety of the number one asset. Our job was to find a way to make it look like he was in Iraq. That way he comes off as brave, supporting the troops, intrepid."

The iron-fisted control Bush's handlers maintain over the media together with the media's unwillingness to pursue any inconsistencies in stories handed them has made faux PR ventures like the Thanksgiving Iraq trip much easier to bring off, according to the officer. "We've finally gotten a completely controlled press in America, so our job is easier. It helps that we have a Bush double who looks exactly like the president. Air Force One did fly to Baghdad. The Bush double did make an appearance. It's all smoke and mirrors. George himself never left Texas. He took a copter ride the 50 miles over to Fort Hood. We had 600 hand-picked men and women from the First Cavalry and the Fourth Infantry, good people who are completely committed to God and to country. These people know the country's first asset can't be risked. They also would never, never disclose that they spent Thanksgiving with Bush in a secure building at Fort Hood. All that TV? We supplied it, and the nets bought it. And so, apparently, did the American people. Like I say, having a controlled press makes it possible for us to do our psy-ops work without embarrassment."

The Fort Hood officer dismissed the idea that the phony trip was flim-flamming America. "America wants to believe the president is brave, fearless, and that he courageously supports the troops by suffering the discomfort of a long plane ride to do it. America doesn't want to be reminded that the president is a draft dodger who avoided service in 'Nam and didn't show up for his National Guard training. We're just giving Americans what they want and need. Americans need images, and we supply them. That's the new reality."

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 7:48 AM (0) comments


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