Secret Missions into Canada Authorized by Rumsfeld
A well-placed, authoritative defense department operative, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, has disclosed that the U.S. has developed plans for secret missions into Canada that will target supposed terrorist cells operating there. The operative called attention to recent reports in the U.S. papers stating that Canadian cities were "hotbeds" of terrorist activities. "Those stories were placed by Rumsfeld's agents," the operative said. "Rumsfeld has his Delta Force, and he's been itching to use those men. He's giving himself an excuse to do so by cooking intel that Toronto's muslim community is a base for terrorists who might attack the U.S. across the border."
The operative described "black helicopter" missions designed to "neutralize" supposed terrorists. "What that means is that some of the supposed terrorists will be killed outright," the operative said. "Others will be kidnapped and taken to Guantanamo, Egypt, Uzbekistan, or the ships where the U.S. can torture the captives." The operative disclosed that the DoD has placed its own agents in the muslim community in major Canadian cities. These agents operate entirely separately from the CIA's agents or the NSA's agents. "The DoD agents are responsible only to Rumsfeld, and they'll tell him what he wants to hear," according to the operative. "All these guys care about is the mission. They care nothing about politics or international relations," the operative said. "These guys get paid extremely well to do missions, so you can be certain they'll turn up intel that justifies their mission."
Feds Develop Plan for Military Suppression of California Secession
A highly placed official in the Pentagon, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, has disclosed that the Bush Administration is developing plans for military action against California.
"These people are operating on the U.S.S.R. model. It is their belief that the United States is facing the same pressures that caused the dismantling of the Soviet Union," the official stated. Afghanistan and the arms race proved the undoing of the U.S.S.R. Apparently the Bush Administration foresees a similar scenario playing out in America.
"California's governor, Schwartzenegger, has recently sent Bush a letter demanding he do something about global warming," the official noted. The official also pointed out that Schwartzenegger had praised the vigilantes patrolling the border with Mexico who were filling in for the failures of the federal government to stop illegal immigration.
"The federal government is providing less and less help to states while requiring more and more compliance to mandated federal programs like No Child Left Behind," says the official, who notes that California has one of the most robust economies on the planet and supports by taxes much of the rest of the nation.
"Rove, Cheney, and Rumsfeld must figure that before long California will decide to go it alone, just as Russia and Georgia did in the U.S.S.R. They are determined not to preside over the break-up of the United States," according to this source. "They've drafted plans to declare martial law and take over the capital of Sacramento. I've seen the plans. There's a psy-ops piece as well. They've already drafted and videotaped pieces for Fox News and CNN to use if necessary."