George W. Bush is The Beast
A highly placed Vatican official, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, has disclosed that the Holy See has determined that United States President George W. Bush is the long-feared Antichrist incarnate. "The Vatican has determined that the Evil One walks among us," the Vatican insider stated. The insider's explosive disclosures were timed to coincide with 6-6-06, the Day of the Beast. "Bush isn't just acting like the Beast, he IS the Beast."
"The Antichrist must be expected to lie and to cloak His true intentions behind a rhetoric of piety and faith," the Vatican insider commented. "President Bush claims to be a Born-Again Christian," according to this informant, "but if we examine his actions and their consequences, we can truly see Satan at work." The Vatican source said that the Holy Church has looked at the destruction of the environment, the widespread corruption spreading out from Washington DC, the murders of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, the wreckage of civil liberties in America, and the ruination of the American political and economic systems as evidence proving Bush is the Antichrist.
"Only the Antichrist could have stolen two elections," a second Vatican insider opined, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY. "No mere human has such power," this highly place official in the Holy Church commented. "If you but clear your eyes, anyone can see the filth and blackness that Bush has brought into the world. You can practically smell the sulfurous emanations from Washington." The Vatican insiders compared Bush-Satan to a cancer that has metastasized throughout the American Congress, the U.S. political system, and the minds of many citizens.
"Everything Bush-Satan has done has moved us further from the Kingdom of Heaven which is on Earth as our Blessed Saviour Jesus the Christ preached to us," these Vatican officials commented. "Earth looks more like Hell with every passing day." Adding his voice, the second informant noted that "People around the world are suffering as only the damned suffer. The Evil One, Bush-Satan, smirks with hideous self-satisfaction," said the informant. "Using money to further his Evil ways, Bush has bought off the Congress and siphoned funds into the bank accounts of the richest one-tenth of one percent of the U.S. population in order to buy their complicity."
"The Pope fears Bush-Satan," these insiders disclosed, "and he's not going to reveal what the entire Vatican knows, because he believes the Antichrist Bush is more powerful than the church." "We believe citizens, whether Catholics, other Christians, or even Muslims must recognize Bush for what he is, the Devil himself," said the informants. They stated they had risked their careers and exommunication to tell the truth about the Evil One. "Bush is the Beast, and he must be stopped," pleaded the insiders.