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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Insider: Cheney's Private Army

A second, highly placed insider from the Office of the Vice President has disclosed ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY that Vice President Cheney is using funds withdrawn directly from the U.S. Treasury to create his own private army. "The Vice President's army is modeled on the Shiite and Sunni militias and Sadr's private army," the insider stated.

According to the insider, Cheney's private army will consist of 1,500 soldiers recruited from U.S. Army Special Forces and from the top echelons of Blackhawk USA and other private defense contractors. "Cheney has already staffed his senior administrative positions and has hired 75 former mercenaries," disclosed the insider.

The insider reported that all of Cheney's orders are stamped Top Secret using the Vice President's Office's special designation, SCI. "No one knows about this. Chemey leased a 20,000 acre California hunting club from some right-wing shooting buddies for training. These guys have equipment the NSA doesn't even know about," the insider revealed. "These guys are scary. Really, really scary."

The insider did not disclose any motive or mission goal for Cheney's army. "People in the office wonder if Cheney would use his army to defend him from arrest by one of Congress's Sargeant's-at-Arms on a Contempt of Congress Citation. Cheney has enemies in corporations that have their own private armies, and he could use his army to defend against other private armies. Hey, his guys are so good, they could probably hold off the National Guard or the U.S. Army if Congress as to send them to arrest Cheney," the insider concluded.

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 11:58 AM (0) comments
Cheney: I Don't Need Congress' Approval for Funding.

In insider in the Office of the Vice President, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, has disclosed that Vice President Cheney believes he can take money directly from the U.S. Treasury without Congressional authorization, approval, or oversight. Recently, bills have been introduced to deny $8.4 million in funding for the Office of the Vice President until Cheney's office turns over documents Congress has subpoened. Cheney has refused to give any information to Congress or to agents of the branch tasked by Executive Order with tracking documents.

"Congress is mistaken in believing it can stop this office's legitimate business by denying funding," the insider reported Cheney saying. "Congress can pass spending authorizations for the Executive Branch, but not for my office, because we're not part of the Executive," Cheney continued. According to the insider, Cheney's most breath-taking assertion came when he said, "Because the Constitution makes no mention of Congress needing to authorize expenses by the Office of the Vice President which is not part of the Executive, the Office can legally and legitimately draw funds directly from the U.S. Treasury."

According to the insider, Cheney has authorized the Treasury to directly deposit $8.4 million into the Vice Presidential account. Cheney's authorization was stamped by him with his own form of the Top Secret designation, SCI. Stamping the authorization Top Secret assured that the press and Congress would not learn of his withdrawal.

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 11:42 AM (0) comments


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