A highly placed official in the Bush White House has disclosed On Condition of Anonymity the existence of videos showing the top Bush administration officials forcing anal intercourse on a bound and gagged America. According to the official, the video shows Rove, Cheney, Gonzales, Wolfowitz, Fielding, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself all sodomizing the helpless America, naked and bruised. The official stated that Condoleeza Rice is seen sodomizing the whimpering victim with a strap-on dildo. The official stated that the video shows highlights of the gang rape of America that took place in regular White House orgies.
Rumors about the existence of the video have circulated in Washington recently. Apparently these rumors sparked committees of both houses of Congress to subpoena testimony. The White House insisted the hearings be held behind closed doors. When asked under oath in a secret hearing if he had sodomized America, the official reported that Donald Rumsfeld told the committee, "I have no recollection of ever having anal intercourse with America." Alberto Gonzales, again according to the official speaking On Condition of Anonymiity, told the committee he was "too busy protecting America from her enemies to have had time to sodomize her." When told of the video, which one committee member stated he had a credible witness who had viewed it, Gonzales stated that "Congressional disclosure of such videos gives aid and comfort to America's enemies by politicizing the private acts of consenting adults." According to the official, Senator Arlen Specter asked Attorney General Gonzales to either confirm or deny that he had forced, exteroceptive anal intercourse with America. In secret testimony, Gonzales said, "Senator, I'd like to honestly respond to your question. It's a good question. But, I cannot either confirm or deny something of which I have no recollection, no matter what the video shows."