HAARP Called Cause of Devastating Tornadoes Conspiracy theorists may not have been wrong about the dangers of the HAARP program run by the U.S. Air Force and Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) if the leak from a U of A. researcher, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY prove accurate.
The drama surrounding the disclosure took on even more "buzz" when the insider talked about potential presidential candidate and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's involvement.
HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The program uses a high power radio frequency transmitter to excite electrons in the Equatorial Electroject, a worldwide solar-driven wind that races around the globe in the ionosphere 50 miles above the planet. The HAARP project, run by BAE Advanced Technologies, is sited near Gakona, Alaska. The central device in HAARP is a high energy radio cannon, the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), that fires blasts of high energy radio waves into the electrojet. Massive amounts of energy are contained in the electroject, which is responsible in part for the aurora borealis, and which is energized by the solar wind.
According to the source, who spoke On Condition of Anonymity, the U.S.A.F. and U.S.N. have long hoped the IRI could be used as a weather weapon. On Monday April 25, the insider stated, the IRI was fired into the electrojet in hopes of triggering massive rainstorms in the Middle East to disrupt attacks by the Gadhafi regime on anti-government rebels and by the Assad regime in Syria on protestors. The problem, according to the researcher is that the IRI and HAARP are very inaccurate. "Basically, HAARP is like smashing your house with a wrecking ball to kill a mouse," the researcher stated.
Again, speaking On Condition Of Anonymity, the insider reported that the IRI beam struck the electroject which had recently been energized by massive solar flares that erupted as Sol entered its current period of heightened flare activity. The spike of energy ran down the positron-rich terrestrial gamma-ray flashes that reach up into the ionosphere from atop most thunderstorms. The amount of energy released was greater than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This is the energy that caused the massive storm cells and tornadoes that cut through Alabama causing over 300 deaths.
A fascinating back story to HAARP and the IRI is the involvement of former Alaskan half-term Governor and potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin. "Palin was secretly, and intimately involved in HAARP and IRI," stated the insider, again speaking On Condition of Anonymity. Palin has provided political consultation in deep secrecy to BAE Advanced Technologies, according to the source. "Palin agitated for using the IRI as a weapon in the Middle East," the source said, "because she believes the U.S. is involved in a covert global war with the Chinese for control of oil in Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran." She advised that tornadoes of the magnitude that mistakenly hit Alabama would disrupt the entire Middle East and inundate Iran's nuclear program to boot, said the insider.