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Sunday, May 25, 2014
Take the God out of Godzilla says Christian Right
An infiltrator into the Christian Right's secret planning council, speaking ON CONDITION OF ANONYMITY, has reported that the council, which includes such far-right Christian organizations as American Family Council, Family Research Council, and the Westboro Baptist Church, is planning demonstrations to protest the "blasphemous use of the word God" in the title of the hit movie "Godzilla."
According to the infiltrator, one of the speakers at the secret meeting asked rhetorically, "Is there no length to which the pagan, satan-worshipping movie industry will not go to associate the Creator with a hulking, fire-breathing, city-destroying beast?"
Movie goers can expect to have to cross picket lines of placard waving ultra-right Christian protestors in the coming week. The Westboro group displayed a sign that read GOD HATES MOVIEGOERS according to the infiltrator. Another sign read IF YOU LIKE GODZILLA YOU ARE GOING TO HELL.
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