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Friday, July 11, 2014

Leaker: Government to require a License to hold Office 

     A highly placed official in the Executive branch of the U.S. government, speaking On Condition Of Anonymity, has leaked information that the Obama Administration will propose a law requiring all persons running for office at the government level to have obtained a license to practice politics.  The official has spoken off-the-record because the proposal has not been officially announced.  

     "This proposal is motivated by Obama's and other administration officials' frustration with the No-To-Everything stance of the Republicans," said the leaker.  The leaker disclosed some of the reasoning behind the proposal.  "Doctors are required to have a license to practice medicine.  They must prove they know medicine and will not harm their patients.  Psychologists and psychotherapists must have a degree in a mental health field, and they must accumulate long hours at poorly paid internships and then pass rigorous tests.  This is all to prevent doctors and therapists from harming clients."  

     The official continued, "Only public office holders are exempt from the licensing requirement.  Heck, even a plumber or a contractor must have a license.  A manicurist or a barber must have a license.  Public office holders are in a unique position to harm the electorate, and they often do, by denying abortion access or birth control access, for example.  Public office holders regularly support wars in which neither they nor their relatives have to fight."

     President Obama and other administration officials believe that if federal public office holders were required to pass a test demonstrating that they understand the Constitution, that they know about the Separation of Church and State upon which the nation was founded, that if they were required to know that only Congress has the right to declare war, or if they were educated on the actual words of the Second Amendment and its history, they might not harm the People they are supposedly serving.  

     According to the leaker, the proposed law will require office-seekers to have a 4 year degree from an accredited university in social science, history, or political science.  In order to qualify for license to run for office, candidates will have to accumulate 3,000 hours of public service in an internship for minimum wage.  After completing the required hours, candidates will have to pass two exhaustive exams.  At the end of that process, candidates will be granted a license to run for office and will then be free to campaign.  

    President Obama hopes that the proposed law will improve the quality of service the electorate receives from Congress and the Executive.  "Americans deserve professional quality service from Congress and the Executive, and they are not receiving that now," the leaker reports the president stating.  

posted by Shaman Omaha  # 1:53 PM
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